Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Little Word

So I've been thinking a lot about the new year.  Of course, my priorities are getting fixed after the semester of crazy and I'm going to try to focus on the more important things this year.  My family is at the top.  I'm going to try to live it up with Jameson around as much as possible because he'll be starting kindergarten in the fall and then...well...he'll grow up even faster!  So I'm going to treasure the moments right now.

That being said, if I wrote down EVERYTHING in a list of New Year's Resolutions, I would get overwhelmed quickly.  So besides getting my priorities straight, I thought I would do this one little word thing.

I stole this idea from my cousin.

She got it here.

So what's my one little word?


 I've been working on getting my sub-teaching certification for my new job and it is talking a lot about positive reinforcement and such.  This stuff works on your own kids, it says.  Of course it does, if I can keep myself under control in my own home.  People say kids behave the worst for their parents.  Well, you know what the reason for that is, I think?  The parents have to deal with these kids all the time and their patience gets warn out so they reinforce bad behavior by acknowledging the bad more then the good, and frankly acting just as bad themselves!

I am feeling more and more like a little kid throwing a tantrum lately whenever I let my temper get the better of me or I lose patience.  So I'm going to practice taking a deep breath and talking even QUIETER whenever I feel like yelling.

This goal began yesterday morning.

I yelled yesterday.

Let's hope I do better today.  But, really, my goal is for the whole year!  I'm posting this here to remind me that by next New Years, I should be doing pretty well with this word.


And then I can choose a new word.  If I've failed by next New Years, well, I'll have to keep it.  So let's hope I get past it and can move on to something else by then.  Or next year, my post might be kinda boring. :)

ALSO!  Another way this word can be applied is by thinking about spiritual things too.  If I'm quieter, what will I be able to hear more of that I couldn't pay attention to before?

Happy New Year everyone!

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